The most popular entity type for a small business. An LLC combines the personal liability protections of a corporation with the tax flexibility of a partnership.
The most common type of corporation in the U.S. Reduced likelihood of an IRS audit, compared to a sole proprietorship. Corporate shield.
If your corporation meets certain requirements, you can elect to be treated as an S-Corp. Eliminating “Double Taxation” on Shareholders Dividends.
For organizations involved in charitable, educational, scientific, or religious activities, this option gives you great tax advantages. We do all types.
You can try to do the process on your own, but you may find yourself jumping from one agency to the next, don’t waste valuable time and get your business registered today.
Small business owners often choose to form an LLC instead of a corporation because LLCs offer more flexibility in the way they are managed and usually have fewer recordkeeping and reporting obligations than corporations. Unlike an LLC or a C corporation, an S corporation is not a type of business entity. The S corp.
If a corporation has perpetual existence, the corporation will continue even if the shareholders, directors, and officers come and go. … Finally, perpetual existence benefits the corporation because there is no need to constantly file all the documents that started the organization.
13976 Baltimore Ave. Ste 127
Laurel, MD 20707
+1 301.408.0029
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