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This agreement (“Agreement”) made this 13 Mar 2025, between BURGOS & ASSOCIATES INC dba ACR ACCOUNTING & CONSULTING RESOURCES (“The provider of the Services”) and T/A (“The Client) contains the terms and conditions under which bookkeeping services (“Services”) will be provided by the provider of he services to The Client. The words “Company” and “Account” mean The Client. The words “You”, “Your” and “Yours” mean any person or persons from your Company who uses the Services. The words “We”, “Us” and “Our” refer to BURGOS & ASSOCIATES INC dba ACR ACCOUNTING & CONSULTING RESOURCES. Your use of the Services, even over the phone, at our website or by oral/written request, constitutes your accordance to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.
Please read this Agreement carefully.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by signing below, The Client acknowledges that he/she has read and understands the terms and conditions contained herein and agrees to such terms. You personally and in your individual capacity, will each be liable for all charges, fees and finance charges on the account. This Service Agreement shall take effect and constitutes a binding contract between the parties only when signed by an authorized representative of ACR Accounting & Consulting Resources and The Client
Jose A. Burgos, President 03/13/2025
By: ACR Accounting & Consulting Resources
E-Signed On: 03/13/2025 from IP
Company Name:
Authorizing Officer:
By Checking here, I authorize BURGOS & ASSOCIATES, INC. dba as ACR Accounting & Consulting Resources to debit the bank account of as indicated above for the amount of $125.00 One Hundred Twenty Five 00/100 Dollars*** plus any other charges due starting on 01/01/2024. This payment is for Professional Services as described on the Payroll Service Agreement. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until the schedule end date, or until I cancel it in writing, which ever comes first, and I agree to notify ACR Accounting & Consulting Resources in writing of any changes in my account information or termination of this authorization at least 30 days prior to the next billing date.If the above noted payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, I understand that the payment may be executed on the next business day. I understand that because this is an electronic transaction, these funds may be withdrawn from my account each period as soon as the above noted transaction date. In the case of an ACH Transaction being rejected for Non Sufficient Funds (NSF) I understand that the business may at its discretion attempt to process the charge again within 30 days, and agree to an additional $29.00 charge for each attempt returned NSF which will be initiated as a separate transaction from the authorized recurring payment. I acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. I certify that I am an authorized user of this bank account, and that I will not dispute the payment with my Bank, so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form.